
Showing all 4 results

  • Qscout on farm testing


    With Qscout you have a lab on your farm; the Qscout Farmlab.

    MoreMilk2Day will come to your farm (NL,DE,DK) or collect the milk from your farm to analyse samples of each quarter of the cows you have selected for testing.

    Within 3 min per cow the test will analyse the TLC (Total Leukocyte Count) of each quarter and differentiate between neutrophiles, lymphocytes and macrophages.

    Together with your  MoreMilk2Day consultant you can make decisions on the spot on how to treat or dry-off your cows.

    to read more about qscout check here: Q-Scout MLD


  • MM2D Hygiene Check


    Do you really want to take steps in hygiene and the health of your livestock? Then book a hygiene check by a MoreMilk2Day specialist.
    Together with us we will go through all aspects of your business during this consultation.
    We look at the hygiene in the milking parlour, the cubicles and the calves.
    Following MoreMilk2Day’s protocol, the degree of contamination is measured at 20 points on your farm.
    Together with you, a plan of approach will be drawn up and a goal will be determined which you work towards, supported by us.

    The hygiene check includes 3 PCR (Tank milk or litter) samples.

  • Milk production data analysis


    Gain insight into your milk production registration. Through a thorough analysis, we map out the points of attention where you may be missing out on milk production. After the analysis, you receive personal advice from a MoreMilk2day specialist, which helps you improve udder health and increase milk production. Let your MPR data work for you and discover how you can maximize your milk production!

  • Farm consultation by phone


    During a telephone company consultation, we discuss the results of your samples with you and which measures are best for you to take. This will help you to keep a better grip on the health of your herd in an efficient way, without having to invest a lot of time and money. With a quarterly subscription to tank milk or litter testing, 1 company consultation by telephone is included.